Our Mission: Be Safe, Be Saved
SAFETY is defined as the prevention of loss
…and there is no greater loss than that of a child.
Teen safety is one of the most important topics a parent faces, especially when it comes to driving. The “rite of passage” when parents allow their teen drivers to venture out on their own is very stressful and challenging. Education and prevention are the keys to successfully negotiating this challenge.
The Board of Directors and our Foundation partners want to share tools and tips to make this journey successful. Many times this sharing takes the form of stories… stories of the nature you do not want to experience for yourself.
There are three areas we’d like to focus on in hopes of educating parents and teens to some of the challenges faced on a daily basis:
Hazardous Road Conditions
Changing road conditions either stable or dynamic, present major challenges to all drivers. Existing physical road conditions are those present without outside influence from other traffic or construction related activities.
These are conditions such as sharp curves, limited or non-existent road shoulders, and sharp drop offs from lanes of travel. The potential hazards associated with these conditions add to the complexity of safe travel.
Once physical conditions are coupled with various dynamic (changing) conditions associated with construction activities, there is little room, if any, for error on the part of drivers. Some of these dynamic construction-related conditions may be related to the installation and maintenance of temporary or permanent traffic control devices, limited run-off areas, adjacent equipment and construction activities, and construction related debris near the roadway.
The combination of stable and dynamic road conditions present a real challenge to drivers, and if not properly evaluated and reacted to, can cause serious damage, injury and death. Hazardous road conditions were a significant contribution to Tyler’s vehicle incident.
Vehicle Safety
Without doubt distracted driving is one of the biggest challenges all drivers face. There are many distractions that have the potential to lead to inattention and ultimately to a serious vehicle incident. Two of the most prevalent distractions are related to mobile phones, specifically talking or texting while driving. While phone records indicate Tyler was not talking or texting when his incident occurred, this is a serious challenge for all drivers… teen and adults!
Tyler’s foundation teams up with various other organizations to bring awareness to the potentially fatal habit of talking or texting while driving. We challenge all teens and parent to make a pledge to each other not to talk or text while driving.
Workplace Safety
Many times parents are so glad their child is demonstrating responsibility to find a job and earn money they fail to examine the potential consequences of work place incidents or injuries. Teen workers are afforded the same workplace safety and worker compensation insurance coverage that adults have.
Currently there are three states (Texas, South Carolina, and New Jersey) that do not require employers to provide worker compensation insurance. However employers in those states are required to provide written notification informing employees that they are not covered by state mandated worker compensation insurance.
Stop for a minute and think about the devastating impact, both personal and financial, a serious injury could have on a family. If a teen employee is working for an employer that does not provide insurance, is it really worth the exposure for a minimum wage (or less) job?
Tyler’s employer, like many in the State of Texas, did not provide Worker Compensation insurance for their employees. We challenge all parents of children that work outside of the home to verify they are covered by Worker Compensation insurance, especially if they have a safety sensitive job that requires driving a vehicle.
The Facts Surrounding Tyler’s Vehicle Incident
Before you evaluate the potential consequences of each situation listed above, you may choose to review the facts surrounding Tyler’s vehicle accident.
In addition we hope this information will increase the awareness of these situations by various Local, State and Federal regulatory agencies that are responsible for protecting its tax-paying citizens, and our teens.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
Many well-meaning and concerned friends and acquaintances have offered condolences and comfort since Tyler died. Some are believers, some are not. Interestingly, we’ve had members of both groups respond in an inquisitive manner when told we are confident we will see Tyler again when we meet in Heaven. They ask, “How can you be so sure?” The response is as simple as understanding the answer to the really big question below.
The following gospel message of salvation is what Tyler understood in his acceptance of Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. We are grateful to our church family at Grace Community Bible Church for selecting this gospel presentation material, and to the Evantell organization for simplifying the message.
What am I depending on to get into Heaven?
I’m a pretty good person, at least compared to others I know…
I usually go to church…
I volunteer at the shelter and youth center when they need someone…
I contribute at least 10% of my earnings to church and charity….
Sorry, but those and similar answers are all wrong!
The Bible tells you about good news, and bad news, and it is as simple as that.
First the bad news – Romans 3:23 tells us “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”. All means all, everyone, no exceptions. We are all sinners and fall short of the standards set to gain acceptance by God.
The bad news gets worse! Romans 6:23 tells us “For the wages of sin is death”. In this context as in an employment relationship, “wages” are something earned as a consequence for an act. For the act of our sin, our wage (or what we have earned) is death; with death being an eternal separation from God’s glory.
Fortunately for us, the news gets much better, the free gift of eternal salvation and God’s glory. Romans 5:8 tell us “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” God loved(s) us so much, that even though we have chosen to sin against Him, he sent his son Jesus Christ to die in our place in order to pay the wages of our sin. Next is the simple, but often misunderstood concepts of grace and faith.
Ephesians 2:8-9 tells us “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.”
Simply put, God has shown us grace, and if we repent and put our faith in the fact that Jesus Christ died for our sins, we will share eternal life with Him in heaven. There are no amount of physical works or good deeds we can do to “earn” our way into heaven.
If you have not already done so, we hope this simple presentation of the gospel moves you to place your faith in Jesus Christ alone as your savior and your answer to the really big question. If so, please pray this simple prayer… God is listening!
Lord I recognize I am a sinner and fall short of your expectations. I also understand the penalty for my sin is death and eternal separation from you. Lord I’m sorry that I have sinned against you, I accept your grace and place my faith in the fact Jesus Christ died for my sins and arose three days later. His death paid the penalty for my sin, and it is only by placing my faith in this act that I may receive eternal life. Thank for your grace and thank you for Jesus.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.